Sunny South Veterinary Services is an independently owned veterinary practice providing services and animal health supplies to livestock operations in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We also work in conjunction with other independently owned veterinary practices in order to provide competitive pharmaceuticals and supplies.

Operations Serviced

  • Feedlot
  • Cow Calf
  • Calf Ranches
  • Swine
  • Dairy

Services Offered:

  • Herd health programs
  • Consulting services
  • Protocol and SOP development and prescriptions
  • Individual call based services
  • Export/Import certification
  • Pharmaceutical Supplies - prescription, OTC, feed additives, and more


  • Lethbridge, AB
  • Medicine Hat, AB (operating in conjunction with Badlands Veterinary Services)
  • Lacombe, AB (operating in conjunction with Lacombe Vet Centre & Gull Lake Veterinary Services)
  • Fort MacLeod, AB (operating in conjunction with Fort MacLeod Veterinary Clinic)

Affiliated businesses:

For more information please contact us

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